Frequently Asked Questions

Careers, University, etc

Will the university guarantee me a job?

Short: Nobody knows.

Long: University is going to be just a tool in your toolbox. Only having a university degree will not open a lot (if any doors) but it will help you in the future. I’m sure you have seen at least a few places offering you a course to become a top % developer/AI engineer etc. In the past, these kinds of courses could have been enough to land a job, but now when everyone wants to be in these jobs it isn’t even enough for an interview.

If you don’t want to read, watch a video.

Did the university help you get a job?

Short: No.

Long: As far as I know almost (if not all) universities have a place where they help university students get their first internship/job. I was working when our internship started, but many colleges started their internship and continue working in the same company. This may be the biggest mistake most students make. They aren’t taking the internships seriously enough. – or just going somewhere so they can continue their studies