Terms and Conditions

Current version: 21 July, 2024

1. Introduction

Gabriel Kanev is a consultant based in Bulgaria, specializing in services within the digital field. We offer consulting, services, and realization of solutions in software development, online marketing, and various support services.

2. Scope & Validity

These GTCs are integral to all contracts with our clients and apply fully across all business areas of Gabriel Kanev’s consulting. Conflicting terms only become part of the contract if explicitly agreed upon in writing. Bulgarian/European law applies by default. Invalid or legally ineffective parts of the contract will not affect the remainder, and the parties will strive to achieve the intended purpose.

3. Conclusion of Contract

Unless otherwise stated, our offers are non-binding and subject to change. Contracts are valid upon mutual signature or confirmation via email or letter for the entire contract period. Verbal or electronic orders will be confirmed by me via email. If no confirmation is sent, the contract is effective once service begins and the customer does not object.

4. Prices

Prices are subject to change at any time and are based on the day of delivery. Services include project management and coordination, excluding expenses or unforeseen costs. Prices are always +/- 15%.

5. Payment

Compensation is based on the agreed offer/contract, typically invoiced monthly based on actual expenditure. Government fees, taxes, and additional expenses are borne by the customer.
Late payments incur 8% p.a. interest after a grace period. Invoices must be paid within 10 working days. Non-payment allows us to pause work until outstanding invoices and interest are settled.

6. Service Provision

Services may be provided directly by Gabriel Kanev or through qualified third parties.

7. Acceptance and Defects

Customers must check and immediately report any defects in work results. Approval for printing or online placement constitutes acceptance. Approval can only be refused for serious defects, which must be rectified within a reasonable period. If defects persist after a second grace period, statutory rights apply.

8. Retention of Title

Deliveries are made under reservation of title until all claims are settled. Ownership remains with Gabriel Kanev until payment is complete.

9. Warranty

Services are provided by competent professionals to industry standards. The warranty excludes defects not due to our services, incorrect customer use, changes, or third-party services.

10. Time Frame

The time required for services is stated in the offer. Changes in project scope may lead to recalculated expenses and new deadlines. Clients will be informed promptly.

11. Deadlines

Deadlines are generally extendable and binding only if expressly stated in writing. Both parties must be informed in writing if deadlines cannot be met. Delays caused by late client cooperation or third-party services may extend project duration.

12. Liability

Gabriel Kanev is liable only for direct damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence. Liability for slight negligence, financial and consequential damages, and loss of profit is excluded.

13. Confidentiality, Data Protection, and Data Security

Both parties must treat business secrets confidentially. This confidentiality extends beyond the contract term. The customer is responsible for data security within their area. Gabriel Kanev is not obligated to provide additional data security measures unless contractually agreed.

14. Copyright and Rights of Use

Unless otherwise agreed, all rights and copyrights to created products remain with Gabriel Kanev. This excludes open-source software services, which are subject to their respective licenses.

15. Project Cancellation

If a project is canceled post-approval, Gabriel Kanev may invoice all incurred costs. Deposits are generally non-refundable. Untimely termination incurs a lump sum charge of 1500 $ or 50% of the order volume, whichever is higher.

16. Litigation / Consensus

In case of disputes, efforts must first be made to reach an out-of-court settlement through a conciliation board.