My marketing predictions for 2023

Everyone has predictions for the new year. I just wanted to start doing them depending on what I’m interested in this year. After a year of marketing research, fits, and helping products stand out, I wanted to give my 2 cents on how this “market” will change:

  • AI-generated account-based product-led marketing popularity will rise by at least 20%.​
  • Customer-centric marketers will keep staring at their Google Analytics / (Open sources) Analytics dashboard for 8 hours a day instead of doing market research.
  • Discovering new, trendy channels will occupy more than half of the marketing industry’s time.
  • Customers will continue to not care about a brand’s innovation, purpose, or mission.
  • “Creating a new category” will remain the strategy for “the ideal” Chief marketing officers who are desperate to impress the board.
  • TV advertising, emails, SMS, and blogging will keep dying of a horrible death while still remaining alive for another 12 months
  • Journalists will keep losing their d*cks over VC-backed companies raising millions over profitable small businesses. Examples: 1, 2, 3
  • Product marketers will keep trying to refactor their product pages with a better narrative/messaging instead of improving the product itself so itactually stands out.
  • Customers’ emotional needs will continue to be overlooked in favor of their rational needs.
  • Marketers will persist in believing in their godlike abilities to “create demand” instead of connecting their stuff to what people already demand.


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